Are you looking for a way to make some quick cash or pick up some vintage gems cheaply? Find a carboot sale in your local area, or organize one yourself. What is a carboot sale? It’s basically a garage sale on wheels. You load your pre-loved items into your car boot (trunk) and head to the designated location (sometimes you have to book your spot in advance). You open your boot and start selling to people who come to the sale. Here is a picture of a sale that I came across recently in London. It looks like these people are pretty organized – why don’t you see if there anything similar running near where you live?
- Carboot Sale in Action
So why are Carboot Sales good for you and for the planet? If you’re a seller, you make some extra cash from stuff that you don’t need anymore. If you are a buyer, you save money by buying second hand. In addition, we all save resources by reusing existing items instead of manufacturing new ones. We also prevent excess junk going to landfill.