Category Archives: Spoil Yourself
Instead of Cotton Balls – Keeping your Face and your Planet Clean
Did you know that cotton is a very water-intensive and pesticide-intensive crop? Cotton is a great natural material, but maybe we should think twice before using it in disposable form (cotton balls) for removing make-up and cleansing our faces, due to the considerable … Continue reading
Posted in Disposable Income, Spoil Yourself
Tagged cotton, cotton balls, cotton wool, pesticides, save the planet
Spoil yourself with a Kindle E-Reader or Kindle App
Spoil yourself (or someone else) and the planet by reading e-books instead of printed books. Kindle e-readers, or Kindle Apps installed on your favourite mobile devices save you money (no shipping charges) and are very convenient. Talk about instant gratification! Within … Continue reading
Posted in Retail Therapy, Spoil Someone Else, Spoil Yourself
Tagged books, digital books, e-books, e-readers, Kindle, newspapers, save money, save the planet, save trees, shipping costs