Category Archives: Disposable Income
Carboot Sales are Cool!
Are you looking for a way to make some quick cash or pick up some vintage gems cheaply? Find a carboot sale in your local area, or organize one yourself. What is a carboot sale? It’s basically a garage sale … Continue reading
Posted in Disposable Income, Retail Therapy, Reuse Your Stuff
Tagged carboot sale, garage sale, quick cash, second hand goods, vintage
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Say “No” to Disposable Take-Away Coffee Cups
I love reusable take-away coffee cups, particularly the ones made from porcelain with a silicone lid. I keep one in the car, and one at the office. OK, you may not save money using the one that you keep in … Continue reading
Posted in Disposable Income, Reuse Your Stuff
Tagged reusable coffee cups, styrofoam, take-away
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